The often overlooked portion of good marketing tips on Facebook is finding out what not to do. And that’s a much harder category to google. It’s still a crucial part in understanding promotional strategies for the correct marketing approach. 

The often overlooked portion of good marketing tips on Facebook is finding out what not to do. And that’s a much harder category to google. It’s still a crucial part in understanding promotional strategies for the correct marketing approach. 


Yes, it’s your marketing strategy plan and you can post what you want. Posting whatever you find interesting is not good for promotional strategies in marketing. Your business accounts should bring value to your customers. 

When all else fails in your business marketing strategy, ask this question before you post, What value does this bring to the customer?” 


Sharing other people’s content. Does. Not. Help. You. When you share a piece of content, the likes and comments are attributed to the original poster. Not to you. If you see something great and want your customers to see it, create your own version of it. 

This being said, you should share your own content. This is a part of a strong marketing plan. Sharing your own posts will increase the overall engagement, and shares of that post will be credited to you.


While the actual numbers vary, you should not expect a high number of customers seeing your posts. The best performing pages have 35% reach. Since you don’t have millions in the budget for social media, you will not see these numbers. At best, 10% of your audience will see your post. When the “total reached” exceeds 10% of your page likes, this is reaching friends of friends, or new customers outside of your immediate influence. 

The answer to this dilemma (that most business owners miss) is to post a valuable piece of content. Then schedule it 60-90 days in the future. On any post, click the timestamp under the name. It will open the post in a new page, and you can copy the link to paste into your scheduled post. 

As you make these small changes, you will succeed in developing a marketing plan. Apply these three not-behaviors to your list and you’ll notice a growth in your overall customer count. 

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