About Us2022-11-24T13:22:24+00:00
Box6 Marketing Agency Illustration

Grow your business? Yes, we can.

Inspiring small business by using the world’s most innovative marketing technologies to allow any emerging business to reach for the stars. We do this by custom building every brand strategy and marketing plan specifically for the business, while continually monitoring results and pivoting, as necessary, to ensure business growth. We improve current systems, and continually look from new opportunities and channels to reach new customers and increase profits from existing customers.

Box6 Marketing Agency Illustration

Grow your business? Yes, we can.

Inspiring small business by using the world’s most innovative marketing technologies to allow any emerging business to reach for the stars. We do this by custom building every brand strategy and marketing plan specifically for the business, while continually monitoring results and pivoting, as necessary, to ensure business growth. We improve current systems, and continually look from new opportunities and channels to reach new customers and increase profits from existing customers.

Founded officially in 2018, Box 6 Marketing came about to fill a need among many professionals. There are hundreds of advertising companies and hundreds more consultants, offering a variety of skills, execution, and marketing wisdom. But what was missing was a service that merged all that was available in the quick-changing and highly lucrative world of digital advertising.

We came together with our varying specialties to create a single point of access to marketing. We become personally knowledgeable with the owner and the company they created. We look for ways it can improve, then we access our team for execution. No more interviewing part-time contractors, no more “this would be great, but I have no idea how to find the person that can do it”, and no more question marks. We aspire to be the central point of information and execution for all things marketing.


While each client relationship is unique, Box 6 Marketing applies a system to all creations, great and small, to ensure the work being done is unique and effective at generating revenue and growing the company. This same system applies to single icon creations, and 1,000+ hour software development.
Discovery Illustration
Step 1: Discovery

Similar to a consultant, the marketing manager meets directly with the owner/team about current needs within the company specifically from a marketing perspective. Brainstorming suggestions can be made here, and a specific plan of execution decided with complete buy-in from the owner.

Todo Task Planning
Step 2: Planning

The marketing manager then works with the creation and execution teams to best define timelines, goals, and desired output. The market manager keeps a direct line of communication throughout the creation process to ensure that the brand is being well represented, and that the output is the best that it can be. The marketing manager checks that all steps are in compliance with the marketing plan and brand strategy.

Task Execution Illustration
Step 3: Execution

With all roadmapping and communication complete, items are created. This might mean graphics are designed, web pages are built, or ad campaigns are set up, all in scope of the plan created with the owner and market manager. Owners have approval rights during this process, as necessary, but no other management is required.

Maximize Revenue Report Illustration
Step 4: Output

All of the creative elements are put into play. Ads are published, videos are premiered, campaigns are launched. The marketing manager carefully watches the customer responses, pivoting where necessary to best execute the product and maximize revenue.

Step 5: Analysis

With data and sales numbers in hand, the marketing manager presents the results of the campaign to the owner/team. Any kind of debrief, new information is learned here. From this point, the process moves back to Discovery (Step 1) to begin again with better understanding and better results.

Step 1: Discovery

Similar to a consultant, the marketing manager meets directly with the owner/team about current needs within the company specifically from a marketing perspective. Brainstorming suggestions can be made here, and a specific plan of execution decided with complete buy-in from the owner.

Discovery Illustration
Todo Task Planning
Step 2: Planning

The marketing manager then works with the creation and execution teams to best define timelines, goals, and desired output. The market manager keeps a direct line of communication throughout the creation process to ensure that the brand is being well represented, and that the output is the best that it can be. The marketing manager checks that all steps are in compliance with the marketing plan and brand strategy.

Step 3: Execution

With all roadmapping and communication complete, items are created. This might mean graphics are designed, web pages are built, or ad campaigns are set up, all in scope of the plan created with the owner and market manager. Owners have approval rights during this process, as necessary, but no other management is required.

Task Execution Illustration
Maximize Revenue Report Illustration
Step 4: Output

All of the creative elements are put into play. Ads are published, videos are premiered, campaigns are launched. The marketing manager carefully watches the customer responses, pivoting where necessary to best execute the product and maximize revenue.

Step 5: Analysis

With data and sales numbers in hand, the marketing manager presents the results of the campaign to the owner/team. Any kind of debrief, new information is learned here. From this point, the process moves back to Discovery (Step 1) to begin again with better understanding and better results.



If you need a new website, Search Engine Optimization, market research, or so much more, Box 6 Marketing has you covered. We have already vetted, hired and trained a full team of market professionals, dedicated to understanding your customer and promoting your brand.
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Market research

Understanding the market is a crucial step for growing a business. Our team of researchers discover trends, methods and practices which can increase revenue for the business. We then apply this data to the overall brand strategy for efficient and effective usage. This isn’t Field of Dreams. If you build it, they might not come. It takes wise marketing to have great results.

Market research

Understanding the market is a crucial step for growing a business. Our team of researchers discover trends, methods and practices which can increase revenue for the business. We then apply this data to the overall brand strategy for efficient and effective usage. This isn’t Field of Dreams. If you build it, they might not come. It takes wise marketing to have great results.

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Revenue Analysis Illustration
Revenue analysis

All dollars in and dollars out impact the overall business. While increasing revenue is certainly a goal, it’s possible that efficient spending and cutting extraneous methods will create more revenue without having to increase anything. Marketing managers will look through existing systems and find any opportunity to save money, putting more revenue back into the company.

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Revenue analysis

All dollars in and dollars out impact the overall business. While increasing revenue is certainly a goal, it’s possible that efficient spending and cutting extraneous methods will create more revenue without having to increase anything. Marketing managers will look through existing systems and find any opportunity to save money, putting more revenue back into the company.

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Marketing strategy

The first priority of every brand is to define the culture, and for customers to know what makes this business unique. This includes the development (or revisit) of the vision statement, mission statement, brand strategy, styling guides, and marketing plan. Often considered as the road map for all successful businesses of all sizes.

Marketing strategy

The first priority of every brand is to define the culture, and for customers to know what makes this business unique. This includes the development (or revisit) of the vision statement, mission statement, brand strategy, styling guides, and marketing plan. Often considered as the road map for all successful businesses of all sizes.

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Website Redesign Illustration
Website redesign

The website is the window to your entire brand on the web, which has become an undeniable necessity for business growth. Our team looks at the current website for modernity, the sales funnel effectiveness, and capture the best elements while improving anywhere possible to better align with the business mission and convert to revenue wherever possible.

Website Redesign Illustration
Website redesign

The website is the window to your entire brand on the web, which has become an undeniable necessity for business growth. Our team looks at the current website for modernity, the sales funnel effectiveness, and capture the best elements while improving anywhere possible to better align with the business mission and convert to revenue wherever possible.

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Search Engine Optimization

This is the method of adjusting your website and the general internet to show search engines what your business is and how to connect your customers to your brand. Our SEO experts create tens of thousands of whitelisted articles, backlinks, videos, infographic, and other tools which output better search results in the key areas when someone is searching for the services the business provides, resulting in higher conversion.

Search Engine Optimization

This is the method of adjusting your website and the general internet to show search engines what your business is and how to connect your customers to your brand. Our SEO experts create tens of thousands of whitelisted articles, backlinks, videos, infographic, and other tools which output better search results in the key areas when someone is searching for the services the business provides, resulting in higher conversion.

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Social Media Management Illustration
Social media management

Contrary to popular belief, social media is important for every business. It’s the single greatest tool to communicate the brand and what makes the business unique to the customers. From creating a new profile, to managing six figure communities, our team is well versed in creating great content and growing audiences which results in much higher engagement and response to all business revenue.

Social Media Management Illustration
Social media management

Contrary to popular belief, social media is important for every business. It’s the single greatest tool to communicate the brand and what makes the business unique to the customers. From creating a new profile, to managing six figure communities, our team is well versed in creating great content and growing audiences which results in much higher engagement and response to all business revenue.


Logo Design Illustration
Logo design

Our logo explains what makes your company unique. All of our logos are handcrafted after a discovery session to know what makes the brand unique, and capture that in the most accurate and appealing way.

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Website creation

When first entering the digital market, a website will communicate the business’s mission, answer common questions, and (when done correctly) convert viewers into customers.

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Virtual Assistant

Our team has dedicated virtual assistants who can take over simple tasks that are still necessary, but can free up necessary time for essential employees and management.

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Data consolidation

 As technology improves, new tools become available to better streamline processes for existing team members. Our team will analyze current methods, advise and assist in the setup of faster, better ways to make contracts, images, etc more accessible for the team.

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New projects

With a fresh team comes a fresh perspective which can find new ways, projects, or concepts to create new revenue for a business. Our fully vetted marketing team will develop and implement new projects within the company.

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Marketing analysis

Our team does a full market analysis to better understand the business’s client base and the industry to be able to better create revenue through additional revenue and successful ad campaigns.

Google Adwords Illustration
Google AdWords

There is a shortcut to the top of Google with Adwords. Our team researches keywords, competition, and pricing to better fit a budget to a successful campaign geared toward better conversion of new customers.

Facebook Ad Illustrations
Facebook Ads

The leading social media platform has a near endless level of customization to reach its more than one billion users. Our team applies strategies to narrow the focus to find the right audience who will be interested in buying the service that the business offers.

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Hiring Philosophy

Defining a brand strategy and business culture also improves the hiring process for new employees. Our team helps to define that philosophy, resulting in better hires and lower turnover.

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When growth inside the company occurs as the business grows in revenue, we assist with the development of training systems and tools to increase employee retention and improve the quality of new hires.

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Move to the cloud

Contracts, images, logos, designs, and spreadsheets are all scanned digitally and moved to a centralized, web-based location, which can be shared with the correct people to streamline work. No more file request emails. No more photocopies.

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Process design

As an emerging business grows, existing practices and policies need to be consistently reevaluated to more efficient and productive methods. This frees up more time for teams to be more productive.


Have questions? Of course. Marketing is a very large field. With such a high priority on unique relationships with clients, many questions will have to be answered face-to-face. Please feel free to contact us to begin that conversation.

When should I expect results?2022-04-07T14:46:32+00:00

We approach your business with two perspectives: short term improvements and long term projects. We strive to increase sales right away, but every situation is going to be completely unique (2020 pandemic anyone)? Translated into practical terms, we try to find some things right away to create some additional revenue. We also look for the big project “game changer” designed to completely open up the income potential of the business.

How do I know when I’m ready for marketing?2022-04-07T14:50:05+00:00

You are always ready to start marketing as long as you have a product or service for someone to buy (cliche, right?). Even if you are at capacity, it’s worth bringing in Box 6 Marketing. The first thing we analyze are ways to operate the company more efficiently, freeing up more space to earn more revenue. No more room to do more business only means you need a fresh set of eyes to look at the operation from a different angle to find more ways to earn and reach new customers.

What if I’ve never done any marketing before?2022-04-07T14:52:58+00:00

This is absolutely perfect. Our passion is emerging business. When the owner is great at their particular trade, we want to come alongside that passion and give it a voice to a larger public. We excel in creating entire marketing systems from nothing.

How big does my marketing team have to be to work with Box 6 Marketing?2023-03-03T13:25:40+00:00

You don’t have to have a team to begin. We are consultants plus marketing team. We have it all in house. You hire one company to create your marketing plan, then execute. You only need to be available for feedback and approval.

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